
- Any art created through the use of real media. Link Link


is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colours flowers, so does art colour life."
- John Lubbock

This page serves as a catalogue of my favorite traditional artists and pieces. By traditional, I mean produced via real, or physical means; non-digital. Painting, sculpting, etc. Please be warned that there will be NSFW material posted here! Women are my favorite subject in painting, especially in the nude. This is not for erotic reasons, but rather an appreciation for the way beauty, femininity, anatomy, and womanhood is presented throughout movements and styles.

Each card has relevant info about the artist in the following order:
+ Artist
+ Title of featured piece.
+ Artist info: Time period, Nationality, movements/styles
Clicking on an artists' name will take you to a separate page where you can read more about the artist and why I love them, and also view a (more or less) complete catalogue of their works.

Edmund Leighton

The Accolade

+ 1852 - 1922
+ English
+ Medievalism, Romanticism

franz b. doubek

Allegory of Summer

+ 1865 - 1952
+ Czech
+ Baroque, Romantisism

John waterhouse


+ 1849 - 1917
+ English
+ Pre-Raphaelite, Medievalism

Willem van Aelst

Stil Life with Flowers(1665)

+ 1627 - 1683(?)
+ Dutch
+ Still life

giovanni pannini

Modern Rome

+ 1691 - 1765
+ Italian
+ Capriccio

Henrietta Rae

Psyche Before the Throne of Venus

+ 1859 - 1928
+ English
+ Classical, allegorical, literary

FOOTER-- End note ~

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